Home > Kids


Below are our articles on the subject of Kids. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
How a Young Generation Accepts Technology
How a Young Generation Accepts Technology
For the young, technology is perfectly natural – they’ve never known life without it – so each advance is readily embraced and used....
Parental Control & Social Networking
Parental Control & Social Networking
Social networking has become a phenomenon, but teens leave themselves at more risk on social networking sites than they might realise....
Teens & The Internet
Teens & The Internet
Teens have grown up with the Internet; they think they know it all, but there are still ways you can help them....
What Kids Expect From The Internet
What Kids Expect From The Internet
Kids use the Internet more fully than most older people, they’re fearless about technology – but that can also leave them vulnerable....
Why We Need To Guard Kids Online
Why We Need To Guard Kids Online
Of course we need to keep our kids safe on the Internet, but predators aren’t the only danger....